Welcome to Your Village

Photo titled 'Working Mums' A midwife and a birth photographer who are a married couple working with a woman at her homebirth in Albury, New South Wales. Their 7 month old baby is being carried in a sling by the photographer. The image is captured in a large mirror's reflection.
‘Working Mums’

Good Grief… Building websites and getting over the pursuit of perfection is hard!

We’re finally here! As you can probably tell, this first blog post is just to say hi and make it official that we are now out here in the interwebs to educate and entertain you and welcome you into the loving arms of Your Village. We all need community and we got fed up of no-one doing anything about it.

We want this website to be home to all things birth and pregnancy and photography and OT, and most importantly community.

We will be posting blog content that you want and need once we get our ducks in a row.

We will be inviting you to share your birth stories and favourite images so we can all share in the oxytocin feels that the incredible rite of passage of birth can bring for us all.

We will be advertising our Monthly Meet-Ups at our property and inviting you to join us if, like us, you want to connect with like-minded families, build your support network, and have a nourishing place to hang out once a month.

I’m excited to see where we will find ourselves next, and invite you to join us on our journey.

Big Welsh Cwches,

Rhia, Claire, #TheLittlestBirthWorker, & #TheLittleHurricane

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